Ask Me Anything

The popular opinion these days is that we should be strong and independent. Believe in yourself, you can do whatever you set your mind to. If you believe it, you can achieve it. Set your own course, follow your dreams. It’s all so inspirational, right? Until, that is, you start to feel the pressure of not measuring up. Until your identity becomes attached to what you do, what people think of you, what they think of your life. What if you don’t know what your dreams should be? What if everyone else seems to have their lives so much more together than you do? What if the dreams you had just aren’t working out? What if you actually achieve what you set out to do and still feel empty?

What if you asked God to tell you what your dreams should be, and how to achieve them?

No, the Lord’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalms 147:11

Did you realize that the Lord loves when you come to him for help? He doesn’t view your asking as a sign of weakness, He is delighted! His strength is available for you and He loves to share it. He is more than happy to fill you with the strength that you need when you are leaning on Him.

Begin with worship. Call on the strength of God.

But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57

God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge! “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalms 46:1-3, 10

For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

The Lord is ready to give you whatever you need to bring glory to the Father. So think about what you really need, and then ask Him for it. Ask for decreased distractions, ask for better focus, ask for a calm spirit, ask for increased faith, ask for increased spiritual capacity, ask for increased wisdom, ask for discernment, ask for insight, ask for the right words to use, ask to hear His voice, ask to feel His love, ask for time to get everything done. What is it that you really need right now? Don’t try to produce it all yourself, He can supply you with what you need. He may not change the circumstances or the storm around you, but He will most certainly give you more of what you need to draw close to Him so that he can protect you.

“You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.” John 14:13

For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Philippians 2:13

When you ask for the things that you really need, the things that set you free from the burden of trying to measure up, by actually becoming more dependent and letting the Lord carry it for you, He plants in your heart the desire to please him. Then your will and His will can come together in an amazing way. It’s not a struggle to do His will, to follow the path He has planned for you. Your desires and dreams will align with His, and he will be there to give you what you need to achieve them.

I finally see how much easier it is to walk the path He set for me, than to try to create a trail for myself. It’s like walking down a meadow path rather than cutting my way through an overgrown jungle. There are some stones and potholes on this meadow path, but Jesus is walking beside me and holding my hand, so I don’t have to worry when I get stuck or tripped up. He’s right there to lift me back onto my feet.

Pushing through the jungle I could hear Him over on the path, and even catch glimpses of Him over there. But from the dense underbrush, that path looked long, and difficult, and boring. I thought I was on the more exciting path. “I’ll just meet you at the end, Jesus!”

But there were so many pitfalls in the jungle…vines, quicksand, wild animals waiting to devour me. I let Him pluck me out of many difficult situations when I got in over my head, but I didn’t go join Him on the meadow path. “Thanks for your help with that one, see you next time, Jesus.”

What amazing love and patience He has, that He never got tired of saving me when I was insisting on making my own way.

When I finally joined Him on the path He had made, I realized that it’s not boring at all. It winds back and forth, it goes up and down hills. There are sometimes fallen trees to go over or around. Sometimes it gets dark and I can’t see the path, so I just have to hold His hand and let him lead me through. But there is plenty of strength for the journey, and there are beautiful flowers along the way. There are spectacular sunrises and sunsets. There is wonderful company and much joy and laughter. There is a whole crowd of believers helping to keep me on track and steady me when I stumble. And there is Jesus, leading the way, providing for my every need, comforting every sorrow, rejoicing with every success.

I like this path. It’s good to know about life in the jungle, I learned a lot of lessons there. But I don’t want to live there anymore.

Instead you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your hope as a believer, always be ready to explain it. 1 Peter 3:15


  1. As I read this, I found myself nodding my head continually, saying yes, yes, and yes. Thank you for picturing these truths so beautifully. You have an easy, natural style of writing. Love you. I needed this. Thank you. -DuAnne

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