I recently had the opportunity to speak at the Mother Daughter Brunch at my church. These are the thoughts I shared about bees. Bees aren’t really beautiful like butterflies, or sweet like ladybugs. We aren’t usually very happy to be landed on by a bee. And for those of us who aren’t bees, the stinger… Continue reading Be A Bee
The Miracle Of Grace
Grace is glorious! And sometimes mysterious or elusive. Have you experienced the gift of grace? Honestly it can be difficult to see grace in this world sometimes. In our busy, hurried lives filled with distractions from every side, where do we find grace? And how do we hold onto it? Grace, by definition, can’t be… Continue reading The Miracle Of Grace
Who’s Driving Your Train?
Our life journey is a lot like a train ride. Sometimes plugging away at a steady pace, sometimes hurtling along at breakneck speed, and sometimes coming to a dead stop. Steam locomotives pulled trains on tracks that were laid by workers long before the train was scheduled to start its journey. The tracks were laid,… Continue reading Who’s Driving Your Train?
Between Hope And Promise
Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Hebrews 10:23 This was the verse that the Lord laid on my heart for 2023. I didn’t know what was in store for me, but He obviously did. My year started out, as… Continue reading Between Hope And Promise
Let Every Heart
Let every heart…prepare Him room. It’s such a familiar phrase. When we are expecting guests, we prepare for them. We clean up the house, we shop for food and drinks to share, we decorate for the occasion. We want everything to look, and be perfect for their arrival. Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think… Continue reading Let Every Heart
Jesus Changes Everything
Jesus changes everything. It sounds cliche, but there is such truth in these words. In 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 Paul talks about the old covenant and the new covenant. The old covenant was based on laws that were etched in stone. The old covenant was structured to bring glory to God through obedience to the law. … Continue reading Jesus Changes Everything
Rest In Today
When God asks me to do something, one of two things usually gets in the way. Regrets from the past, or fear of the future. In Exodus chapter 3 God appeared to Moses in a burning bush that was engulfed in flames but didn’t burn up. It was amazing, he had to go take… Continue reading Rest In Today
His Glorious Gifts
My sister and I are not alike. We were raised in the same house, by the same parents, yet our personalities are distinct. There are definitely similarities, but we lead different lives and react differently to life events. Mary and Martha were sisters with different personalities too. In John 11:1-44 we read the story of… Continue reading His Glorious Gifts
Peace Within Chaos
You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 When life does not feel peaceful, where do I choose to fix my thoughts? When life feels like a hurricane, where have I attached my lifeline? Who, or what, is on the other end? When… Continue reading Peace Within Chaos
An Ordinary Life
Have you met my friend, Naomi? Naomi has not had an easy life. After her husband died, and then later her two sons died as well, she decided to return to her homeland. Her sons’ widows, Orpah and Ruth, prepared to go with her. But Naomi replied, “Why should you go on with me? Can… Continue reading An Ordinary Life