In The Quiet

Guest post by Elyshia Geldenhuys I tilted my head towards the afternoon sky, the sun warming my face, the cool breeze quieting everything to a still. My son nestled into the carrier wrapped around me, his eyes beginning to slowly close as I talked to him. I rounded a corner, and my words started to turn… Continue reading In The Quiet

Grace and Peace

A few years ago the Lord started showing me a verse to keep in my mind and heart for the year ahead. I write it on a note card and put it on the windowsill in front of my computer at my desk. I don’t always know up front why that particular verse will be… Continue reading Grace and Peace

Promised Land

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will not fail you nor abandon you.Deuteronomy 31:8 A new year can be full of so many emotions. Relief for making it through the previous year.Excitement for what the new year will hold.Fear about… Continue reading Promised Land


I’m a planner. I like to map out the course of my days and check things off my list. This time of year many of us make plans. We set goals, resolutions, intentions, dreams…whatever you like to call them. Plans and goals are good. They keep us focused, they keep us on track. So when… Continue reading Planning

Book Release!

Hello friends! I have exciting news! My book Glimpses Of Truth: Hearing God’s Voice In A Noisy World is now available on Amazon. Check it out and please leave a review for me. More reviews means more visibility on Amazon. Please join me in praying that this book will land in the hands of the… Continue reading Book Release!

From Shame To Soaring

Hello everyone! I haven’t been on my blog very much lately because I’ve been working on another project (you’ll hear more about that soon). In the meantime, take a look at this post I wrote for my friend Brianna’s “Releasing To God” series on her blog. Thank-you for including me in this series, Brianna!

Just Open The Book

These days it seems that the way we get to know each other, or stay in touch with each other is often through our social media accounts. Even when we have a closer personal relationship with someone we often communicate through text or email. We realize that deeper connection requires actual face to face conversation… Continue reading Just Open The Book

Who Printed Your Label?

Who am I really? How do I know who, and what, I’m supposed to be? That’s a question that each of us has to answer, and one that we wrestle with throughout our lives as we grow and situations change. In high school we took a survey, answered a whole list of questions, and it… Continue reading Who Printed Your Label?