On The Fringe

I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God's marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives.  The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
Jude 1:4

Since God’s grace is so wonderful, we can keep on sinning as much as we want, and then just ask for forgiveness, right? We know that He gives countless second chances, so why do we need to worry about continuing in our sin? Jesus did not condemn the adulterous woman, he turned away her accusers. He was kind and welcoming to the woman at the well. David certainly wasn’t perfect. He slept with a married woman and then had her husband killed, yet God called him a man after His own heart. People should be able to do whatever they want because His grace covers it all.

Sorry, but this is a twisted view of the gift of grace. This is Satan using just enough truth to get us to believe a lie. It’s just enough to keep us from getting too close to Jesus, to keep us on the fringe where he can pick us off more easily.

After the adulterous woman’s accusers left, Jesus told her, “go and sin no more” (John 8:11).

When he was talking to the woman at the well, he told her that the Father is looking for those who will worship him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23). She dropped everything to start telling everyone about Jesus.

The Lord rebuked David for what he had done, and the child that he and Bathsheba had conceived died (2 Samuel 12:14). David confessed and repented of his sin. But he still suffered the consequences of his actions, even though he was forgiven.

God’s grace is truly amazing. He really will forgive us as many times as we ask. But that doesn’t remove the consequences of our actions. We are told to confess, repent, and turn away from our sin. When we sincerely seek forgiveness, there should be a change in our hearts.

The path to the richness and glory of a relationship with Jesus cannot be built on disregard for his commands. Yes, he will continue to love and forgive, no matter what you do. But what kind of relationship is that? Would you want to be in a relationship where someone constantly hurts, disrespects, and disappoints you, but just blows it off with an insincere “sorry”, then goes back and does it again and again? Who has no intention of actually changing their behavior?

Therein lies the difference between believing and following. Between acquaintance and intimacy. Between knowing about the promises and participating in the victory. Between wandering and coming home. Between being vulnerable to Satan and being secure in Jesus Christ. Between chaos and peace.

If you are on the fringe, God loves you more than you can imagine. He forgives you every time you ask. Jesus is waiting with open arms every time you turn to him. He has the patience to wait as long as it takes. He wants a relationship with you, one that goes deeper than a superficial give and take. He wants to pull you into safety and peace, into the victory that he has already won over Satan.

You are my refuge and my shield;
your word is my source of hope.
Psalm 119:114


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