The Time Is Here

But the time is coming – indeed it is here now – when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. John 4:23

And I assure you that the time is coming, indeed it’s here now, when the dead will hear my voice – the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen will live. John 5:25

I don’t think it’s a coincidence that these verses came up in my journal to write about today. The time is here now. We are seeing signs of revival, starting at Christian colleges and spreading across the country. The Chosen is drawing thousands to hear the story of Jesus. Jesus Revolution was in the top 3 at the box office on its opening weekend. People are searching for meaning and purpose in life. This world is hungry for the Truth!

When we worship in spirit and in truth amazing things can happen. But what does that mean? It means we have a direct connection to God. We don’t need anyone to intercede for us like the Jewish people did before Jesus came. They had priests who were the ones who went into the holiest places of the temple for them. They brought sacrifices to atone for their sins. Jesus was our sacrifice. He died in our place as the sacrifice for our sins, and then was resurrected to show God’s glory, and mercy, and grace. The heavy curtain that separated the holy place from the people was torn in two when he died. So now we can talk directly to God ourselves, and He will speak directly back to us. We are no longer condemned to the punishment we deserve. We only need to be open to the process, and he’ll do the rest.

Lord, let me be one of those who worship you that way. I want to be one of the special ones, the chosen ones. Guess what…the chosen ones aren’t special. We are all chosen. You don’t have to be, or feel, special to be chosen. God chooses all of us, each for a separate purpose. You just have to accept the task he gives you. In a perfect world everyone would worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, and accept whatever He has chosen for them to do. Not comparing anyone to anyone else, just each accepting that we each have our chosen task and doing it willingly. But this world is far from perfect.

Without the Spirit and the Truth this world is dead. Like zombies, shackled to sin and worldly desires, we plod along through life without purpose. But then you hear His voice – the voice of the Son of God. You stop, blink a few times, stand up straight, and look up with a new light in your eyes. A smile starts to spread across your face as you realize that even in your dirt and shame He loves you, and has chosen you. As you take His hand you start to shine, and that light spreads out and starts to touch those around you. When it touches them, they start to smile too. The light continues to spread, and more start to wake up, as His voice is heard louder and louder. The time for revival is here, a time for each of us to turn around and know His voice. Don’t miss it!


  1. Praise God for His offer of forgiveness and acceptance to all who turn to Him. God is definitely on the move! May His light spread far and wide through each of us who know we are loved and chosen and have His Spirit living in us. Thanks for your encouraging words.

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