Why Or Why Not?

Why me, who am I to be writing and sharing about Jesus? Am I a perfect Christian? Have I made all the right choices in life? Have I figured out God’s will and how it works? Do I have my entire life in order? No, no, no and no. And that’s just what God loves about me.

Moses murdered a man, had to flee from Egypt, and was not good with words. God chose him to lead His people out of slavery. David was an adulterer and a murderer. God made him a great king and said that he was a man after His own heart. Amos was a simple shepherd. God chose him to be a prophet and deliver an important message to Israel. Mary Magdalene was possessed by 7 demons. Jesus cast them out and she became one of his beloved followers, with him all the way to the cross.

God chooses the most unlikely, imperfect, broken, messed up people to fulfill his plan. So I guess the real question is, why not me? I have all of the qualifications!


  1. What great examples you give for “why me?” So glad you are listening to what God is telling you to do. Thank you for being so honest and opening.

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